Degree Program at Great College List of Departments

  1. Accounting and Finance
  2. Management

Distance Program

  1. Accounting and Finance
  2. Management

BA/BSc Degree Admission Requirement

High school graduation, or its equivalent, is a prerequisite for entering the undergraduate program at Queens College. Applicants who were schooled in Ethiopia should meet one of the following criteria:

  • National University Entrance Examination cut-off marks decided by the Ministry of Education (MOE) each year; these standards also apply to Queens College admissions.
  • If the applicant completed high school before the new system was established, a GPA of 2.0 or above in the ESLCE and 12+2 diploma from a recognized junior college.
  • A degree from a recognized university.
  • 10+3 or level 4 certificate from a recognized institution and passing of the national COC examination for TVET.

To apply for admission to Queens College, the prospective student should submit the following items:

  1. Completed Application for Admission Form;
  2. Non-refundable application fee of 250 ETB;
  3. Official transcripts, or an equivalency certificate, or an attestation of all secondary education, or other documentation to prove high school graduation or its equivalent;
  4. For applicants who wish to transfer credits, they should also submit official transcripts from each post-secondary program (this applies only to applicants who attended other post-secondary educational programs);
  5. One passport-size photograph;
  6. Copy of a non-expired identification document and social security card (if applicable).

Some additional documents are required from certain applicants and for admission to certain degree programs (see below). The application will be evaluated when all documents are received. At that time, the applicant will be notified of his/her admission status. Temporary acceptance may be granted to applicants who have provided the University with evidence of qualification for admission, but who have not yet submitted official records, test scores, or additional required materials.

All application documents used for the admission process become university property independent of the admission result. The documents cannot be returned. Applicants should keep copies of their documents for reference. Copies of original documents should be submitted to the school.

Applicants whose academic backgrounds do not appear to meet the stated requirements for admission will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee for conditional acceptance and will be considered for admission to regular undergraduate status after approval is given by the Ministry of Education (MOE) authorities.

BA/BSc Degree Graduation Requirement

Graduates   students   will   be   awarded   the  if they fulfill the following requirements:

  • A minimum credit hour of 111.
  • A Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.00/ Overall GPA 2.00
  • A Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.00 in core courses./ Major GPA 2.00
  • No F, NG, I,  in any course